
Sapphire Sea (The Scottish Stone Series #4)


Scottish lady Gwendolyn MacLeod prides herself on being the practical sort. So when an arranged marriage to a Spanish prince is presented, Gwendolyn accepts without hesitation.

The prince has status, his letters speak of duty and honor, and her years of proper education will be useful in the running of his home. However, she speaks no Spanish—the only flaw in her sensible match. But the Portuguese captain whose ship is docked below the castle does, and he offers to instruct her in the language of love.

When the late nights of studying begin to tear her from her chosen path to Spain, will she follow her heart out to the wide, sapphire sea? Or will she allow her one great adventure to become her biggest regret?


Scottish lady Gwendolyn MacLeod prides herself on being the practical sort. So when an arranged marriage to a Spanish prince is presented, Gwendolyn accepts without hesitation.

The prince has status, his letters speak of duty and honor, and her years of proper education will be useful in the running of his home. However, she speaks no Spanish—the only flaw in her sensible match. But the Portuguese captain whose ship is docked below the castle does, and he offers to instruct her in the language of love.

When the late nights of studying begin to tear her from her chosen path to Spain, will she follow her heart out to the wide, sapphire sea? Or will she allow her one great adventure to become her biggest regret?